College Now Greater Cleveland

Welcome to the senior year. I'm Martha Basile, your College Now advisor and pleased to be in the building. You and your family have received a calendar with the days that I will be available to meet with you regarding paying for college. I am at Avon High School most Fridays. Students can meet with me in the school. Parents can schedule a phone conference or a video meeting. Please email me at [email protected] and specify the time you would like to meet either by phone or in a video meeting. Make sure you include your email address, and your students name and phone number. I will send you an email confirmation. I have expertise on the application process, financial aid, and scholarships. Your guidance counselors have provided you with the dates that college applications are due and the process to request your transcript. Deadlines count for applications, financial aid, and scholarships; please don't wait to the last minute.

October 1st is the date that the FAFSA opened. The federal document, FAFSA, establishes your family's Expected Family Contribution known as your (EFC). The EFC is determined by a federal formula calculating the family's and student's income and assets. The FAFSA only determines eligibility for Federal funds. It does not define merit money issued by colleges. The FAFSA is divided into two parts, student information and parent information. It requires the student and one parent to get an FSA ID. The FSA ID will serve as your signature for as long as you in college. You will access the FAFSA at,

On the FAFSA you will put the code for each college where you have applied. Each college that has accepted you will use the information on the FAFSA to make a financial aid package known as an award. The schools will issue the financial award to your email or by mail. This award letter itemizes the amount of grant and scholarship money you may receive along with student and parent loans (yes, loans are considered financial aid and must be paid back). It is very important to have a discussion with your parents about the cost of the colleges where you would like to attend.

I'm looking forward to meeting with you. I also will keep you updated on scholarships and programs available to you through College Now.

You can reach me at email: [email protected] or by text at 440-263-4186.

Have a great senior year.

Martha Basile
College Now Advisor

2023 Webinars

Linked below are two excellent webinars created by College Now on scholarships and students loans:

March Scholarship Webinars for parents and students

March & April Loan Webinars for parents and students


Scholarship 411 for Parents

Scholarship Tips

CollegeNow Scholarship Criteria 2022/2023

Top Places to Find Scholarships

2020-2021 Financial Aid Information

College Now Scholarship Database

CSS Profile Student Guide

Click here to watch a presentation on the Verification Process for the FAFSA and Interpreting Award Letters

Financial Aid Night

Click here to view the CollegeNow Financial Aid Presentation from Thursday, September 29, 2022

FAFSA Checklist

Preparing and Completing the FAFSA

Creating your FSA ID

Preparing to Complete the FAFSA

Guide to Funding a College Education

Types of Aid and Award Amounts for College Undergraduates

Cost of Attendance 2021-2022 - Ohio Public Colleges

Cost of Attendance 2021-2022 - Ohio Private Colleges